Hacker, I will wave when your corpse float by…

Hello hacker,

Since you read this, you have tried to log in on my homepage without my consent.

If you have stumbled in here by a one-in-a-million-mistake, please stop reading and try another URL. Have a nice day!

So, back to you who just made a malicious attempt to log on to my homepage:
You are a hacker. That means you’re also a member of a community commonly known as “the lice in the scalp of Internet”.
And I’m curious: How does that make you feel when you wake up in the morning? Does it itch?
I think it does.

You have taken on a mission to ruin other people’s work. Perhaps to gain money, or perhaps just for fun. You lot has sabotaged a couple of homepages for me now, and it has taken many hours to rebuild them.

But I’m not angry.
Strange, huh?
When I’m imagining you sitting across the table, I can only feel pity for the way you are wasting your life.
Because I know your future.
I have come across your kind several times and it always ends the same. It’s like a law of nature.

A long time ago, a much wiser man than me put this fact of life into words. He said: “Don’t be angry with your enemy. Don’t search for revenge. Instead, just walk calmly down to the river, sit down on the bank, and enjoy the sunshine. One day your enemy’s corpse will float by.”

And it’s you who will do the floating…

But there is always a choice. If you’re not enjoying being a louse (very few people do), why not try for something better?

Start doing positive and kind things to people. That’s a good start. I’m sure it will make you feel much better. Your skin will get a new glow. The itching and constant discomfort in your gut will slowly disappear. Perhaps you will find a new partner, one that’s not damaged and full of hate and envy like you are now but filled with good laughter and light.

Wouldn’t that be something?
A good life. Only a few choices away. And it can be beautiful.

If you don’t take this advice and continue to wreak havoc in people’s life, it’s time for you to run and hide. Because you reading this far has given me enough time to put a search-tag on your IP address, and it has now been sent to the FBI Internet Crime Task Force.

No, just kidding. I don’t have the first clue if that’s even possible. Or if there is such a task force.
I just hope I gave you a scare.
A little revenge, I know.
I never said I’m perfect.

But I say this from my heart: You still have a chance in life. Make it count before it’s too late.
Otherwise, I will just smile and wave when you float by.

Take care.

Lasse L.